Summer used to be my least favourite season to and also the mid -Winter. However since coming to work with the seasons more I've learnt that each season has a very distinct purpose for me. Through that I have come to love and embrace all the seasons -great read I enjoyed it

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Thank you - I am so glad you enjoyed this! I really feel this too Andrea, I used to hate Summer - but I think it was because I was trying to embrace it like everyone else, as soon as I thought more intentionally how to enjoy the season in a way that suits me I've enjoyed it so much more.

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Gorgeous writing - I really enjoyed this piece. The journal prompts have also helped me to view summer in a different, more positive, way. Like you, I am a spring and autumn girl so I love having this to remind me of how to look deeper into summer and find things to enjoy. :)

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Thank you so much. It has honestly helped me appreciate and enjoy the summer more! I am really glad you liked reading this!!! Happy Summer!

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Aug 19Liked by Emily Male

I absolutely love my early morning routine, slipping out of bed and either indulging in a yoga session or simply enjoying a mug of tea, listening to the world as it wakes up. Thank you for your lovely gentle words, a joy to read. 💕

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Thank you Jenny! I treasure my mornings, and they are becoming more and more precious to me. I love the sound of your time in the mornings. Wonderful way to greet the day.

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What a wonderful slow summer guide. I loved the “what”s in season” list. It”s poetic in a way.

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Thank you so much! I totally see what you mean about the 'what's in season' list!!! That is so lovely.

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I do struggle with summer. I sort of want to like it, but can’t quite bring myself to. I think that summer can easily become saturated in expectation. I very much enjoy the longer days and lighter evenings, and I enjoy spending time outside in the sunshine, so long as it’s not too hot. But summer feels busy and a little bit relentless; I don’t want to wish it away, but I crave something deeper.

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I've always struggled with summer and I'm not the best with the heat either ! Writing this piece and really thinking about what it is I like about summer has helped though... Focusing on how the season speaks to me rather than the typical 'summer' narrative that's pushed in front of us !

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Thank you so much for recording the voice over for your posts - the joy they bring me each Sunday is immense, listening while lying quietly on my bed is one of my favourite ways to slow down.

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Rachel that means the world to me. Being a small part of your Sunday is really special 💕 I'm so glad you like the voiceover ... I promise to always include a voice-over and I will keep trying to work on the quality of them too! 🙏

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*reading this post while enjoying the seasonal vegetables mentioned for dinner: broad beans and broccoli*

I hope your summer is also slow, gentle, and nourishing :)

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Oh so yummy! When I was thinking about what I enjoyed about Summer, I started with food and worked my way back from there. I love the colours and vibrancy of summer dishes. Thank you Sekar, you too my friend

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Emily, I loved so much of this. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and consideration. My morning walks have fallen by the wayside, and reading about evening walks called to me. I'm looking forward to getting out on the roads again x

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Thank you so much Samantha! I am so glad you liked it... evening walks are going to feature a lot for me in the next few months too! Lovely to connect with you the last few days through Beth's SoulCircle!

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I have a sun allergy which makes that I have often avoided the summer sun, but this year I want to make the most of it. Small moments, like an evening meal or breakfast in the sun will feel so lovely, I think!

I hope you have an amazing summer! ☀️

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Thank you! I hope you do too - plenty of morning cuppas in the gentle breeze of the morning, and cool summer nights. I think the key to a slow summer is making it suit you and not fitting that typical 'summer' picture.

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I’ve always been more of an autumn person but as I’ve gotten older, I am trying to embrace summer a bit more. There is something about the fresh fruit in these summer months 🍓♥️

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