Love this post Emily. As always, it resonates fully. I love Molly's planner too and use it frequently. I also find her blog planner super helpful ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Thank you Debbie! Yes, I have that planner too and I am starting to use it more and more, as I get somewhat more organised! (trying anyway!)

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Really enjoyed listening to this. There's some really excellent advice here. I'm definitely in need of a digital detox. Thank You ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Thank you Tracey ๐Ÿ˜Š I'm so pleased you found it useful. I'd say start small and keep building with the digital detox ... It's a work in progress!!!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Hello Emily, can I ask you how the voice-over works? Itโ€™s so nice to hear your voice reading your slow living itemsโ€ฆ

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Hi Ivan, thank you! I kind of jumped into voiceover, because I really wanted to connect more with subscribers and readers - and I wanted to make my pieces accessible for everyone.

So - it isn't very technical (at least the novice way I am doing it!), I literally record on my phone in one take (no editing!), and then insert the audio to my Substack piece as a 'voiceover' - you can also add an audio embed, but selecting voiceover places it at the top of your post and Substack does the back-end work of making it a voiceover for people to listen rather than read. I hope that helps!?

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Thanks, I think I am going to give this a try, although I donโ€™t know if I love to hear my own voiceโ€ฆ and my English pronunciation is not the best, as says my daughterโ€ฆ๐Ÿ˜‚

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I basically jumped in, didn't over think... the more I thought about it, the more fumbly I got! It really helped me adding the disclaimer at the top :

This voiceover is an audio version of my Slow Sunday Letter below. It is unedited, so may have some stutters, imperfections, and background noise. I hope you enjoy listening to it anyway!

It just took the pressure off!

Though, it will take some run ups when you are recording, I like pausing the recording sometimes to take a breather. I am sure you could edit the audio, but I prefer to just run through it one go!

Good luck, and I will keep an eye and an ear out for yours!

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A last question, Emily. I saw you followed me, and I want you to thank you for that. But I struggle between following and subscribing. I am now in a situation that I am really overwhelmed by the lots of e-๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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I think it is hard! I think I like to follow because then I feel like I will see more colleagues in my notes feed, and then I think you get to know people more to then subscribe. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the volume of people you subscribe too! How do you find it?

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I donโ€™t even know how to follow instead of subscribingโ€ฆ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Thanks a lot, Emily!

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Lots of e-mails I get from the more then hundred newletters I subscribed to. I have to unsubscribe from a lot of them, but that means that I am also unfollowing them, which is a sad thing to doโ€ฆ

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Lovely suggestions โœจ I keep dabbling in Notion, but havenโ€™t fully got my head around it yet ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Sep 16ยทedited Sep 16Author

Oh it's a game changer for sure... The more I used it, the more I could see ways I could use it and how much it could help. I literally use it for everything now! I really recommend buying a notion template because someone's done a lot of the ground work and then you can add, customise and play with it from there. ๐Ÿ™

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The subtitle caught my eyes. Indeed, we're too rushed in everyday life we forgot to actually live. I love a daily routine I curated over time as I got different interests and goals throughout the year. I'm by no means a stickler to the rigorous routine but a wee bit of predictability is enough to calm me down.

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Sep 16ยทedited Sep 16Author

Thank you Sekar ... It's one of my all time favourite quotes! I think it's a balance for sure and I really think that's when slow living helps. Some days need to be hyper productive, and I have found my slow approach has helped me get the most out of these days without being overwhelmed.... but also, when you get those slower days ... Sink in! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Male

Emily you are speaking my language! Love a planner and a daily routine, Iโ€™ve cultivated what works for me over time as I find with each season of life my priorities change. I also make sure that I am consistent but donโ€™t feel guilty if itโ€™s not always possible

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I honestly think a little planning has helped me so much... And it doesn't have to be alot. I do have days where I will literally time block everything out but other times, I'll just have one priority and work with that. I like to be free as I'm also quite impulsive and easily distracted. But like you say, that is the beauty... It changes with you ... Thank you for your thoughts Jo ๐Ÿ™

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Love this post Emily, all of it so true.

For me I donโ€™t find planners work, but I can see how valuable they could be to help provide structure and guidance.

Quality over quantity always.

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Thank you Hayley! I think working with quality over quantity helps more than anything. I really love that these routines are yours and yours alone and you can really create something that works for you, but also that changes as often as you do (or the season!) ๐Ÿ™

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Thank you for sharing my wee store Emily! Love seeing how your planner has evolved. Where would we be without Notion?! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ’•

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