I'm a huge fan of walking, for me it's a kind of meditation. I can't sit still and meditate but walking helps me clear my mind and reset like nothing else. I haven't tried nature journaling though - definitely interested to give this a go

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I totally agree, it gives you space, both in physically and mentally. I love that feeling of returning from a walk all refreshed. I highly recommend nature journaling - it is such a freeing hobby.

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I love this. I still don't like January but thus past one was the best yet since moving to a place where there are 4 seasons.

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Oh I was absolutely the same with January Carrie- but reframing it and allowing it to fit me was a game changer!

Glad you are enjoying the seasons! I love living somewhere with four distinctive seasons! In fact next week’s post is all about seasons! So pop back on Sunday to read that one!

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yeah but the lack of sunshine in January is what bothers me the most. I’m still a california girl at heart.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Emily Male

Evening walks are my favourite. I used to love when my son was little enough to wheel him in the pram, getting out of doors in the evening and listening to the Yorkshire Shepherdess audiobooks. I also often used to feel lonely during the summer months and I found it hard to go out during the day when there was lots of people out there, having a great time together. It seemed just a highlight my loneliness, so evening walks when there were a few people around was such a lifeline. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post, Emily X ✉️

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Thank you Aimee 🙏 I absolutely understand what you mean , and I think that's why I like evening walks so much. I'm an introvert and I work in a really extroverted environment... I crave peace and calm and I love the lull of early evening ✨🌙

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Really enjoyed this one, Em. Great stuff.

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Thank you so much James. We love a good walk don't we?! I always feel so lucky where we live, the river, the Cathedral, Lion Woods, Mousehold even Rosary Cemetery is one of my favourite places for a wander.

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Aye, couldn't agree more. Love Rosary Cemetery, and walking into work alongside the river is a gift.

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Lovely post! Walking has been a major part of my life for years, ever since I was a child in England. My son and I walk every evening during the summer to see the fireflies. And we go on regular nature observation/journaling walks too.

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Thank you Caitlin. I love when walking becomes so important it takes its place alongside our rituals. It really is magical. I love walking alone, but there is something really precious about walking with a loved one. I am not sure why but you just get to the heart of matters whilst walking side by side.

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Walking is such a wonderful self care practice that is so versatile! You can do it anywhere and even if you always walk the same route, there will always be something new to see!

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That's one of my favourite things ... Same route, different moods, different season, different weather ... I love challenging myself to notice all the changes. 🙏

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Walking is so underrated! And jogging is kind of overrated in my opinion…I love to see other fans of walking!

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Thank you Leah! You know, right on brand (ha!) I really love Slow Running (which is a couple of steps up from jogging) takes all the pressure off, you can just focus on your breath and not worry about your time, the distance, just find that gentle pace that suits your body and let yourself go.

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Beautiful to listen. I will seriously think where I can walk this week and make a point of slow walking. Love this! Thank you.

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Thank you so much Ginger! I really hope you do- please let us know how you get on! Do you have many nice walks around where you live?

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Lots of lovely suggestions here 🙏 We walk 3-4 miles every evening, pretty much regardless of the weather, and it is probably the most important part of my day. It’s a wonderful way to connect with the changing seasons, and to see all the subtle changes around you,

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Thank you David. I love that walking has become an evening ritual for you- no matter the weather! I have to work on this, because apart from my daily walk to and from work, I know I am a fair weather walker (and runner) and so i’d love to carry on through the colder months, put that waterproof to good use! Thank you for the inspiration!

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I LOVE walking! I think I always have but since having three beautiful ancient woodlands very close by it has become something of a ritual throughout different chapters of my life. I would often walk around the woods before work when I worked from home, throughout the pandemic (with a small baby in a sling) and I get there as much as I can these days. Everything shifts as soon as I am amongst the wisdom of old trees and under the canopy of leaves that filter the light. Thank you for this post, it has led me to consider a long walk this summer! xx

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Lyndsay, that honestly sounds magical!!! I wonder do you have any photos? I have imagined it in my mind! What a special place for you. I love that about walking, these places we return to time and time again, you almost feel like you leave apart of you behind, and it intertwines with the space. Forever connected. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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I do, I have many! It is very special, in every season. Perhaps bluebell season is its most magical (I think there are pics in my post about bluebells from this spring!) I love what you say about returning to a place and leaving a part of yourself there, I absolutely agree. I believe we make an imprint of ourselves on our surroundings as much as they do on us. Thank you for reminding me of this xx

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Thank you Lyndsay - I’ll head over to your Bluebell post now.

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I have been on a big walking kick this year as well, Emily! Couldn’t agree more that going for regular walks is the easiest way to embrace the seasons and notice what is happening outside. Lovely post!

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It really is, and I have been surprised by how much I have passed by and not noticed before. Even ground I’ve been treading for years, somehow seems like a totally new space to discover when you look at it properly. Thank you, I am so glad you enjoy it.

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What a lovely post. Walking in nature has double positive effect. For several years I had a morning walk as part of my daily routine. A short walk in a quiet neighborhood before work contributed to my wellbeing. I was lucky that there was a small park, many trees on the street and gardens to peek in.

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Thank you 🙏 I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I think a morning walk is so lovely, does my morning walk to work count ?!

I think I prefer an evening walk just a little ... just because I feel more peaceful and I love the idea that the day is winding down.

Thank you for sharing with us 😊🙏

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Morning walk to work if you choose it and hopefully enjoy it counts for sure. 🙂 I sometimes took a train to work so I would get to walk through Tallinn Old Town in the early morning. When I drove a car, I parked it at school yard and then went for a walk. I felt that with mindfulness exercise and a walk I had goodness in my day even before the work started. I like evening walks too. I have different length paths in my neighborhood. Park, river and a corner of a forest included.

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How wonderful - I can feel myself itching to go for another walk now! I just love the simplicity of it and as you say it is is the duplicity of exercise which makes your body strong, and mindfulness that soothes the mind and soul that is just pure magic.

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