This is perfect Emily. I’m off to dog sit for a friend in a beautiful country cottage. It will be peaceful and relaxing. I’m going to call it My Writing Retreat. Thank you for the inspo and tips xx

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Oh Lisa - what amazing timing. I am actually a little green with envy. I hope you have a wonderful Writing Retreat.

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wonderful, thank you!

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I love how you even included lunch and dinner in here! Sounds so lovely! Thank you for the reminder that a writing retreat is so much easier (and cheaper) than it seems! <3

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That is how to spot a foodie!!! I have so much fun planning my meals out, and you do have to plan them so you can really focus on writing and you just know all your meals are sorted! You are welcome! It worked for me!

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Same! Thinking about what food to prepare is a hobby of mine too 🙈🙈

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A lovely idea and framework - but I know if I was up at 7 and bed at 11, I'd be shattered! Good food for thought though, pun intended...

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Ha! I do love my sleep ... But this schedule works well for me ! I hope you do find time to give it a go ☺️

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Jul 30Liked by Emily Male

This is just wonderful! I have an annexe I’ve been renting out through Airbnb, and it’s run its course for me, but I still want to share the beauty of the place where I live. Maybe this is it - a diy retreat venue! I’ve loved Beth’s writing sanctuaries but have struggled to carve out the the time to focus - so maybe this is it - go somewhere else to do it! I find holidays inspiring just for taking me out of my home environment, and I always return with new eyes, inspired by the new and valuing the old.

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A DIY retreat venue is such a great idea ! I don’t know where you live but I’ll come! :) I agree, the sanctuaries are amazing, and they ignite something inside, but it is hard to continue to find that time in amongst the routine of normal life. I am starting to think planning regular DIY retreats is the way forward - maybe even aligning with the seasons, so it becomes a quarterly check in point?

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Hello, fellow SoulCircler! I actually had the idea to take much of last week off to focus on writing, but without the plan…. And got completely overrun by the ‘little jobs’ you refer to! I was really surprised at how little I managed to do in a whole free week. The planning and time blocking are essential, for me at least! (I also bought the All Along You Were Blooming poetry book after the first session with Beth and your choice above is one of my favourites in there too.)

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Hi Jane! Lovely to meet you. I love All Along You Were Blooming- I can see myself using it often.

I honestly think time blocking changed everything for me. I use it gently, so often I will disregard elements- but the process of sitting down and thinking what I’d like my day to look like helps so much.

I bet you did more in your week than you think, even just setting aside that time and giving yourself space to be creative is so amazing.

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I take that your post is a sign for me to get my writing project in order. I kept postponing and toying with the ideas without taking any action.

Thank you for the kick and please share the recipe of the green beans gnocchi, sounds intriguing and yummy.

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Yes Sekar - that is exactly how I started - I just used the simple phrase of ‘just begin’ to really inspire action! Please do let me know how you get on?

Oh yes the gnocchi recipe is one of my favourites. It is a Deliciously Ella recipe! I’ll send it to you!

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I am going to give myself this gift in August. Thank you for your prompts!

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You are so welcome. I found doing the prompts helped me focus so much. They really energised me! I really hope it goes well in August- I’d love to hear how you get on.

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I love this idea Emily. I did go away in February specifically to finish writing my book and build my website. It was good as there were no distractions and I got a huge amount done. I rented a cottage by the sea in Anglesey, N Wales.

But an at home retreat, I love that idea!

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Thank you so much Georgia. A cottage by the sea sounds absolutely beautiful! It is 100% on my bucket list to go away on a solo writing retreat one day. What a gorgeous choice to go to N Wales - so lovely. But until then, I will be utilising ‘at home’ writing retreats!!

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It was lovely. It was a trip down memory lane too as I’m from Wales but hadn’t been back for almost 10 years.

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Gorgeous Country ! I feel like I need to plan a trip again soon!

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Thank you for this sweet suggestion. You have well thought through the what, the why and the how of a home writing retreat. I am impressed with your schedule. I find that it is important to plan for movement and food as you have done. Having a plan and prompts help to stay focused.💖📝

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Thank you so much. I love having a plan! I find I am so much more productive if I take the time to time block... even normally in my every day life, when I make time for a little planning I am so much more productive but also content!

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I loved the poem you chose to share, Emily. Beautiful.

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Thank you so much Trudi! I opened the book on a random page, and this is the poem that came to me. The more I read it, the more I resonate with it! Beautiful!

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