I know I need a digital detox but still hesitant to actually do it, properly. So far screen free Sundays is something we do as a whole family which has been great.

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Hi Tania ! I think that sounds lovely, so that's definitely screen time worth having. 💕 Maybe see if there are any other aspects of your digital life that could be streamlined? Not all our digital consumption is bad ... It's just when it takes over and becomes a mindless habit it's worth addressing 🙏

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Hi Emily! What a good read!

I am currently reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. I am in the process of finding ways to declutter even more.

1. I still feel drawn to Instagram. I have to be careful of not doom-scrolling there. But I am chipping away at it little by little.

2. I recently took down my TV and put it away. I barely even use it. I am a HSP, so watching the news always puts me in fight-or-flight mode. If there is anything newsworthy, I engage in deep conversations with people I trust.

3. I read, go outside, write, do yoga, etc if I feel the urge to scroll.

Have a good one!

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Hello 👋 thank you so much and thank you for sharing your thoughts ... I have had Digital Minimalism on my TBR list for ages! So thank you for the reminder!!!

I'm the same with Instagram ... It's a hard habit to break ... So I'm just going to focus on baby steps and as I said in my letter, streamlining what I do see when I am on Instagram. This week I've set aside some time to just sit and unfollow some accounts and 'tidy up' my account. Good luck! We should check back in with eachother! 💕

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Emily, I think your approach to slow living and learning how to live your best life is inspiring and beautiful. I know you will see the benefits of this in your life moving forward for sure. I believe the intention of our hearts will ultimately help to guide us to the right things and right timing for our lives. Two words stood out to me from your post that resonate with how I have learned to stay true to my joy, “myself time.” When I started to really make that a goal for how I wanted to spend part of my day, I began to look for those moments more, and that’s when I saw a real shift in my life. Keep shining Emily ✨☺️🫶🏻

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Thank you so much for such lovely words - I appreciate them more than you know. Thank you for your encouragement and guidance - I can feel a real shift in my energy lately.

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We support and lift each other up. This is beautiful. 🫶🏻

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May 12Liked by Emily Male

I enjoyed the read and found many useful tips and inspirations, as usual. I grew up in an analog world of film cameras and rotary dial telephones. I do spend a lot of screen time but I think I only need to reduce it slightly. I am at a place in life where I enjoy all of the digital distraction. And I really don't have much else to do except pet my dogs. The one thing that I don't like is my reduced attention span and ability to focus. But there are other factors in play besides screen time. I do think I will try to pick up an old fashioned book once in awhile.

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Thank you - I think our digital lives COULD be so enriching, but I know for me, I have just been too reliant on screens and digital consumption. I think even a little reduction, like you said could make a big difference for focus and being more immersed in the present.

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This resonated a lot Emily, thank you. I’m very aware of how much I’m on my phone (both for my personal writing and work). I’ve been wanting to do a digital detox for a little while now, but still not managed it. These tips great. Photos is a huge one for me as part of me still finds the notion of cloud based storage scary!

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Thank you - I am so glad. I am so ready to NOT be tied to my phone all the time... writing this really helped me get clearer on how I feel about it all. I hope it helps you too. One little step at a time, and hopefully we will start to see the difference and feel more in control!

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Dear Emily,

You always offer up such wisdom and (I am 75 and not hitting on you) sweetness. Your aura expands with every new reader.

Let me share my recent steps to de-clutter my life.

(1) Two years ago I shut off my cable television service and stopped watching the news.

(2) Just yesterday I got Suresh Ramaswami's new Hemi-Synch MIND FOOD CD and, like all the best Hemi-Synch CD's, it tapped me into the wavelength of the universe within seconds.

I think the Moody Blues said it best:


The Best Way To Travel - YouTube

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Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts on this ! 🙏 Wonderful tips and you've inspired me too !

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Sep 15Liked by Emily Male

Hi Emily, am so with you on digital detox. I am making a conscious effort to reduce some phone use, and using my tablet instead to read substack and emails. Thank you for this and the journal prompts to help.

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Thank you Tracey. It's a definite work in progress for me, but I think that's ok. It's breaking the ties and making sure it is a choice rather than a mindless habit. I'm glad this has helped in a small way for you. 🙏

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Aloha Emily, Yes, I could definitely use a digital detox. I'm trying to spend more quiet evenings without the input of media. Thanks for this detailed guide.

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You are so welcome. I am so happy you enjoyed it. It honestly helped me so much, just working it all out and thinking about where my digital overwhelm comes from. I hope it helps you too!

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Emails are a big distraction for me, I get so many! My daughters’ schools email things all the time and also text message. I do unsubscribe from things when they pop up, but sometimes it feels like you are plugging one proverbial leak and then another one pops up! 🙃

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Oh yes ... You do wonder if it makes any difference at all... But I think it does. Not only are you actively pushing against the tidal wave of incoming emails/calls/notifications etc etc rather than letting it wash over you 🌊, but it's a shift in mindset... I really think little and often and in time you'll see and feel the difference. 🙏

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Great post and such an important one! I find myself using my phone less and less and feel so much better for it!

Currently reading ‘What katy did’ such a sweet book.

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Thank you so much Hayley ☺️ this is my aim ... Though many ups and downs ! Oh I've heard of 'what Katy did' I'll check it out ! Thank you 🙏

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May 13Liked by Emily Male

This was such a great read, Emily! So many good tips in here. I think that living digitally is so ingrained into our current world that we rarely take a step back to realise how much it can affect us – I think we all should be working towards a less digital life as there's so much joy to be had in doing things offline or without a screen!

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Thank you Leah! yes, it is so ingrained! I feel so reliant on it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing - all the time... but I was getting a little overwhelmed with screen time and the thing that continues to plague me is my mobile, and having it constantly within arms reach! Slowly, but surely we'll make progress. I agree so much more joy busting out of our digital boxes!

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A great post as always! I love how thoughtful and honest your writing is and the tips you give are great as well!

I am also struggling with too much screentime and it really helps to know I'm not alone with it.

Right now, I'm trying to lessen my social media doom scrolling (with mediocre results), books have helped me quite a bit, but I'm a fast reader, so now I'm in a new financial dilemma haha.

I'm going to see what the other comments say and maybe I'll find something that will help me as well. :)

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Hi Nika, Thank you - I am so glad you enjoyed this! I hope it does help, it has helped me this week... I think because it is all fresh in my mind! I have really enjoyed decluttering Instagram and organising my photos. I love hearing what everyone else thinks, it has given me more ideas too. Do you visit the library and charity shops for books??

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I mostly go for bookstores when I get to visit my siblings in the city, because it's hard for me to get anywhere without a car in the countryside🌱 But I found out that it's less expensive to buy the english versions than the german ones here, so now l'm collecting lots of english books with the bonus that I learn new words here and there!😂👍

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May 13Liked by Emily Male

My dogs limit my screen time. They need attention! Now!

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May 13Liked by Emily Male

Pets are a great distraction from the internet! I love to pet our two cats and play with them. ^^

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May 13Liked by Emily Male

I'm glad you have pets. They are such a blessing. Mine are the best therapy I could ever have.

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Same here! When I need a cuddled they are mostly happy to provide😂💕

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