Micro-habits. Interesting.

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Indeed! They really are! James Clear’s Atomic Habits is also a good read on this!

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I agree! I read his book last month and found it so interesting 💫

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Oh good! I listened to the audiobook and it was so inspiring.

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i've recently moved to spain to reset my life, and now most of my days consist of micro-habits that bring me small daily pleasures. it's a quieter life but very fulfilling.

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That sounds wonderful .. it's transformative isn't it ? Little by little I'm getting there 🙏

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Oh, I'm a big fan of micro habits after reading Gabrielle's book. You've reminded me to dip back in.

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This is my second time reading it, I think you get more out of it each time you return!

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I start my day by saying: today is gonna be a great day and by setting my intention for the day.

During the day when I get overwhelmed I have a breathing technique to calm down my vagus nerve: breathe in through your nose until your lungs are full, then take another short inbreath. When I do this it usually makes me yawn or swallow, sign of the vagus nerve caring down.

Some times during the day I also sit calmly, close my eyes and cover them with my hands for a few breaths. The eyes are connected to the liver, an organ to process emotional states.

In the evening I finish my day with a gratitude ritual.

These are small doable things that set the tone and allow me to be present.

Thanks for sharing your take on micro habits! 😍

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Oh you are welcome, I am glad you enjoyed it! I really think that these tiny changes and micro habits are the way to make successful and positive life changes, but in a gentle way! It definitely seems more suited to us, and how our minds and spirits work and adapt to change. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, it is so interesting to hear others experiences.

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I love this. I'm a big fan of small changes. All to often people think they have to do something big to see results, but they really don't. Small changes can have a massive impact on our lives. Thank you.

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You are so welcome. I am really embracing the little and often approach too, and I am finding it has so much more positive influence over my life.

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You tell me to 'grab a cuppa' and I immediately know that I must listen to the audio.

I was not disappointed 🤩

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😂☕ tea or coffee is an absolute must !!!!

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I do much need to incorporate this into my life right now. Thank you Emily 🥰

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So welcome, I am so happy you enjoyed it, I hope it inspires some micro habits for you!

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So many fabulous suggestions and journal prompts, Emily. Thank you so much for recommending The 1% Wellness Experiment, I'm thrilled that you've found it helpful x

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Thank you - this is my second time reading it, I think you get more and more out of it when you return!

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Oh I love it! 👏 Do you read it sequentially or dip in and out? x

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The first time I read it cover to cover ... This time I've returned to my bookmarked parts. It's looking worn ! 🙏

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This is a dream come true, Emily! I would LOVE the book to become creased and worn and dogeared with use 😍

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Mission accomplished!!!

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I love this. I'm a big fan of small changes. All to often people think they have to do something big to see results, but they really don't. Small changes can have a massive impact on our lives. Thank you.

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I love this idea! I’m going to make July my month for 10 minute micro-habit trials! ⭐️

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