Emily you make many great points in this post as always 🥰 but I agree and try to practice this one above all. Self compassion and compassionate self talk. These have been an integral part of my spiritual awakening and I hold them intentionally deep in my heart. Thanks for saying this in such a beautiful way in this post. 🫶🏻 Keep shining bright. 😇

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Thank you so much Angel! I totally agree, trying to speak and be kinder to myself was a breakthrough for me too. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

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Yes ☺️ thank you. I hope you are too. P.s. notice the Angel numbers on your reply 😇 11:11, so nice to feel and see the resonance with you. 😌🫶🏻

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There are days when the chaos and stress of the staff at one of my clients where I spend a few days a week gets to me. It’s on track to only get worse. I’m considering that within the next year, I need to move on. How do I deal with it? As the weather has gotten nicer, I sometimes come home, pull a lounge chair onto my lawn and bliss out with my face to the sun or just retreat to my own space I’ve set up in my bedroom, close my eyes for a bit and relax.

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I am sorry you are experiencing work stress. I think having that moment to decompress and slow down your nervous system when you get home is a really good idea. I also think adding some kind of grounding practice before you go through your front door may help too, like leaving or channelling those feelings away from your physical body. I really hope that improves for you in the short term, but in the long term investigating alternatives if at all possible for you.

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It would be a good idea to do a grounding practice beforehand. I also think some amount of 'shielding' would be helpful to keep others' stress out of my space.

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Absolutely. All worth exploring if it helps. Take care 💗

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I've always found that taking positive action helps me to deal with stress

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Beautiful this early morning 💜✨💜

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Thank you so much. Happy Sunday !

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As always, thank you for the journal prompts! I really enjoyed this. I also love watching your book videos every week 😊

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You are so welcome! I really got a lot from this journal prompts. I hope you do too. I am so pleased you are enjoying book lovers chat! I am enjoying making them and being about to talk more freely with everyone.

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Just had to share that as I was watching your book chat I got a library notification that my hold on Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine was ready! So excited to read it! I also love the book chat, as time allows keep them coming 😊

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Oh wow ! I love that little moment of synchronicity, and how connected that makes me feel to you! Enjoy Eleanor... please let me know what you think! So glad you like the book chat, I will try and post regularly!

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Through starting a blog about slow living myself, I've been confronted with taking things slower even on a creative level. There is so much of our hustle culture ingrained in me. I want to achieve so many things in such a short time. I have had so many goals, started multiple projects at the same time and always felt so overwhelmed in the past. But I decided to be more kind and compassionate with myself and take things slowly. Life is not about achieving things or getting to a certain point. It's just about the journey and being in the present. Of course, it's nice to have goals and achieve things but if we don't that's fine, too. Judging ourselves, talking down to oneself for not reaching certain goals or for having certain struggles like anxiety is just making things worse. We need to be kind and compassionate with ourselves as we would with other people.

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Thank you Alex, this is everything I have been feeling too, explained so well. Particularly, paying more attention to the journey - and the act of creating in and of itself is so nourishing. I think having goals and ambitions is also important, but if you start to translate those into vehicles to berate yourself with if you can't manage everything is just so sad. It sounds like the simplest thing, but just speaking to myself more kindly and being more self compassionate has been the real breakthrough I have needed. And honestly it makes me feel more confident to try new things and put myself out there creatively, knowing that if it doesn't go to plan or isn't perfect, it is OK and there's nothing wrong with me. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

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Hopped on the same bandwagon as well.... Even with less number of projects which I tried streamlining, there are details that need to be taken care of, that consume my time and energy.

I don't know how to do that. Currently recovering from (luckily) almost burnout. My brain involuntarily places an unattainable/overestimated timeline for me.

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Managing our own expectations for ourselves, and regularly checking ourselves in terms of kind, compassionate self talk is an ongoing practice! And as a practice, isn't going to perfect all the time. I think just return to kindness/compassion and put that at the centre of your recovering. I hope you are doing okay, as always so lovely to hear from you.

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The Dalai Lama recommends several short meditation sessions daily. When our minds are under control, our world is under control. Consider Ivan Antic's wisdom when he writes CONSCIOUSNESS = REALITY.

A great meditation is to consider the words of Jennie B. Wilson's gospel song HOLD TO GOD'S UNCHANGING HAND.

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Thank you so much for sharing those. I am returning to a regular meditation practice, and I have been gaining so much from it. It is one of the most gently comforting practices for mind body and spirit. Thank you for your recommendations.

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I just finished Daisys vintage cornish camper van. I loved it so much! Like you a bit stuck what to read now. I picked up the midnight library in a charity shop at the weekend so I might go for that I think!

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Oh another one to add to my list! The Midnight Library is wonderful- highly recommend! Do let me know what you think if you do read it!

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The relationship you have with yourself is 100% the most important.

Keeping the promises you made to yourself.

Doing the things you said you would.

This strengthens your relationship with yourself.

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It has taken me a while to realise this, but I completely agree and it changes everything when you are kinder to yourself.

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Such an insightful post 💛 I noted down all the journal prompts the incorporate into my journaling and reflection, thank you for the time and effort you have put into crafting this!

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Thank you so much, that is so kind. I really got a lot out of these journal prompts, so I hope you do too!

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Great article! I read it like it was written just for me. The hallmark of a great author connects with each reader at a personal level. Keep the videos going! Have a blessed slow week. I like to add some of your thoughts to my gratitude journal. I am celebrating 100 days today since I started it. Haven't missed a day.

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Thank you so much. This fills me up. I write everything in the hope that it may make a difference to just one person, so this is everything to me. 100 days, congratulations ! And what an honour to be included. Have a beautiful Sunday, thank you always for your kind words and support.

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